Eye of Agamotto

This project was completed during the summer of 2018 during heavy con crunch. Prior to DragonCon, my motivation was waning because of all the incomplete projects still in the works, so I wanted something relatively simple and quick just to get a sense of accomplishment.

This was prior to my owning my own 3D printer, so it was done in the print lab at my office. The print was split between a Lulzbot TAZ6 and MINI2 and all in PLA in whatever colors were available. I find that by the time I’m done putting on a few layers of filler primer, the original color it was printed in has very little effect. That said, these days I do tend to print costume parts in neutral colors.

After printing and priming, it was a one day paint job. Overall, I’m happy with the result and would like to go back and make a full Dr. Strange costume some day.